JusticePath gives clerks the ability to share courtroom assignments and court docket information both physically in the courthouse and through a mobile app so that constituents, lawyers, judges, and court staff can all easily find out where they are going in an organized manner.
JusticePath, built by IT professionals who have managed court and government information technology for over 20 years, was created specifically for clerks to give them the tools they need to operate an efficient courthouse. JusticePath has been used to share courtroom assignments and court docket information both physically in the courthouse and through a mobile app so that constituents, lawyers, judges, and court staff can all easily find out where they are going in an organized manner.
JusticePath’s Docket Display and App are both easily managed through one web-based control.
Check out our tools to get your courthouse running efficiently, from our list of suggested hardware to recommended online resources.
Easy Implementation
with Customization
Digital Signage
Design Services
If you have questions or would like more information about how JusticePath might work in your courthouse, let us know by filling out the contact form. We look forward to connecting with you and seeing how JusticePath can get your courthouse running more efficiently.
To speak to a JusticePath representative, call: 404.348.4198